Gallery LM2014
Title: LIGHT MYSTERIES - Holograms, 3D and Optical Illusions
When: 28 Nov 2013 - 10 May 2015
Where: Natural History Museum of Crete (NHMC), Herakleion .
Who: The Hellenic Institute of Holography
In cooperation: with Μuseum of Optics of ITMO University of St. Petersburg and the Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser of FORTH-Crete.
Two interesting videos on the exhibition 'LIGHT MYSTERIES' from local TV stations.
CRETE-TV (14.11.2013). Subs: G.Kekatos (HiH) Interview CRETAlive (05.11.2013).Subs: G.Kekatos (HiH)
Light Mysteries (2013-2015). Click-select one of the thumbnails below for a brief overview of the exhibition [photos by Ε. Trikali (NHMC) and G. Kekatos (HiH)]. For more detailed view of the exhibition areas and exhibits, go to Gallery further below.
Slide-show gallery with photos from exhibits (by type and section), exhibition areas and memories.